Friday, September 5, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 47 (Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs)

I am always super nervous about this workout but each time I am always pleasantly surprised that it isn't as intense as I anticipate. HA!
Cardio Abs still causes me issues, those c-sits I just can't get hang of. I am going to look for more videos to try and get the better position. Tomorrow looks like Core Cardio & Balance, which I really loved that workout so I am excited about it.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 46 (Max Recovery)

I love recovery days, even though they make me sweat....Ha!
I still have to take breaks during certain things but I figured my body is just getting stronger each day with each new workout and I am seeing improvement each time!!!!....Almost done with the week....ahhh.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 45 (Max Interval Plyo)

This one still seems to cause me issues. It just wears me out quickly!! Which I guess isn't a bad thing but man....exhausting!!! I just keep pushing through and remind myself how it doesn't matter how fast I go, the most important thing is keeping perfect form!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 44 (Max Interval Circuit)

I can't believe I am two weeks from finishing (not counting this week).
This workout seems to be getting less *painful*. I think it's because my muscles aren't as sore and tender like they were last week. Which is good because now I am able to tell if I am in good form and can feel all my muscles!!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 43 (Max Cardio Conditioning)

Tonight's workout was rough but honestly, a LOT better than I anticipated!! A few times I had to take breaks but that is expected!! My body is still sore and tender in places but it's a good feeling and I love it!!
So happy and proud!!! And my Abs are starting to look a LOT better as well!!!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 41 (Max Interval Plyo)

The week is over!! The week is done!! My rest day tomorrow is going to be sweet and relaxing!!!!
Since this is the 2nd time doing this DVD I knew what to expect. The side push ups are still weird I can't seem to get those down. I am still struggling with push-ups in general but I am getting better and my arms are getting pretty muscular!! Which is pretty exciting! I keep asking my husband to look at my arms!!! HA!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 40 (Max Interval Circuit)

So far I think this one might be the bottom of the list. I hurt and it kicks my butt!!!
Almost done with the week...almost.done.....
I am still sore...muscles are tender. I still 'ow' every time I go up and down those stairs!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 39 (Max Recovery)

I learned my lesson from the last 'recovery' DVD (cardio recovery) not to get my hopes up for an 'easy' workout.
This one wasn't too bad. Yes, I did sweat but the beauty of these recovery workouts is how you can feel your muscles and body. How you take the slow path and feel each muscle working. Still exhausting but a nice break.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 38 (Max Cardio Conditioning)

Oh man! This week has kicked my butt!!!
I hurt every where. My butt, knees, inner thighs, abs, ribs...arms....Every time I walk up and down my stairs I cry out 'ow...ow...ow'...I am sure my family is tired of hearing it.

I was nervous with this DVD (nothing new this week is scary). It's like the pure cardio DVD, no 'assigned' breaks. But it wasn't as intense as the pure cardio. This DVD is more about proper form and control than speed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 37 (Max Interval Plyo)

I was super nervous about tonight...1) I honestly just didn't want to work out (Aka, laziness) and 2) I got my butt kicked last night and I didn't want a repeat!!

I was actually pleasantly surprised about this workout.
Side push-ups??? What the heck? I think I might have done like 2 on each side...It was awkward and I didn't feel like I had proper form.
The balance push-up seemed way more difficult than watching than actually doing. So I was pretty stoked about that I was able to do it.
I can't remember some of the other ones I was like ...Umm? What??
But I feel good. I am tired and my body is sore but I feel good!!! Whoop!!! And this workout doesn't scare me least not at this exact moment...when I am in my post workout euphoria!! HA!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 36 (Fit Test & Max Interval Circuit)

I had every right to be nervous....every.freaking.right.
The fit test alone kicks my butt. I will say I did improve on the fitness test. So that was awesome and felt great!!

The max interval circuit....ugh. I seriously thought I would vomit the first 20 mins. I was exhausted and just wanted to sit down and cry. Since it was all new workouts I had to take it easy and slow but it still kicked my butt. I seriously feel like I have never worked out in my life.

This about sums up my feelings right now.....

I am happy I finished and I wanted to cry. I am still not sure if I want to cry tears of joy or tears of pain. Maybe both? Maybe it's tears of joy but my tears are in pain....?! Yeah, probably....

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 35 (Core Cardio & Balance)

Week is done!
The air was thick and humid today/tonight! It was nasty, very nasty!! I almost didn't work out because it was so bad. When I was done with the workouts, but before the cool down stretch I almost passed out. I think the heat, humidity and getting super excited about finishing the workout made me get up to fast. I sat down for a few seconds and it passed. I was able to finish the cool down stretch.

I am super nervous about tomorrow! I have been reading how month 2 is so brutal and kicks your butt.....

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 34 (Core Cardio & Balance)

I was able to do the shoulder burner things again!! Start to finish!!!!! It was pretty hot in my house tonight but I did it. By the time I was done sweat was dripping off me....gross!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 33 (Core Cardio & Balance)

So at the last thing of this weeks workout are these shoulder burner things (the name escapes me). When you do them, everything burns! Great feeling when you are done but oh my! I always had to stop and go back into it. Tonight was the first time I was able to do the whole thing without stopping!!!! I was THRILLED!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 32 (Core Cardio & Balance)

I am so glad this workout gave us a week of recovery. Even though I still sweat and my heart rate goes up, it's nice to have this little break to take it easy. What I love most about this week is the fact most things are counts instead of going fast and hard. So I am able to relax and make sure I am doing everything perfect!! My pushups are getting better too!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 31 (Core Cardio & Balance)

I am still amazed I have made it this far.
This week's workout is getting easier. My body is able to balance and push through! So happy!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 30 (Core Cardio & Balance)

I have to say, even though it's more intense and doesn't necessarily feel like a 'recovery' I like this workout. I like the control and just on day 2 of it and I can already feel improvements to my body. I am able to do the counts and actually push through. I did better today than yesterday!!
I am starting to get nervous for month 2 though.....

Monday, August 18, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 29 (Core Cardio & Balance)

I was pretty excited for 'recovery' week. I didn't know if I should be nervous, should I get out my mat?
Yeah,'s more 'intense' than I anticipated but it's not 'bad'. And since it's all about control and balance I can actually take the time to FEEL my body working which is really cool.
There are a few times I had to stop (mostly during the intense stretching) but I am excited to see how my body will change and get stronger each day.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 27 (Plyometric Cardio Circuit)

This workout is the one I am like 'oh cool'. I am more confident in this workout even though certain exercises make me yell...that's normal, right??!?
This is the last week of these workouts!! Next week is recovery week....whatever that means....something tells me it's not a break by any stretch of the imagination!! 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 26 (Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs)

Pure cardio.....eek!! I still haven't been able to make it through the whole thing without stopping but I am getting better at pushing myself and pushing through. I think the first 15 mins (after the warm up and stretch) I can 'breeze' past and by 'breeze' I am push through and don't fall over...HA!

Cardio abs.... I am still struggling with. I do plan on redoing the workout again after the 60 days. I love the way it makes me feel and the results I am seeing with my muscles!! So I am hoping the Ab workout I figure out and I am able to get full benefits from it!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 25 (Cardio Recovery)

Almost done with week 4!!!
I am still pretty positive about the Insanity program. I honestly felt at this time I would be hating it or ready to throw in the towel!! I am nervous, excited and can't wait to see what the recovery week holds!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 24 (Plyometric Cardio Circuit)

Of all the workouts, this one I feel I do the best in. I think because its the first workout you start out doing (after the fit test). I do still struggle with some of the workouts and I have to stop and take a breath but I make it a point to go right back into the workout. Each time I put this one in I am thrilled to remember how far I have come!!!
It's an awesome feeling to actually FEEL and see the muscles moving and working.
I will admit, nothing beats the cool down stretch though...
When I first started Insanity, the cool down stretch felt good but now I find it's amazing! It feels good and seeing how flexible I am becoming is awesome!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 23 (Cardio Power and Resistance)

Day 23 is complete! I can't believe I have come this far!! So excited about my progress, will power and dedication to complete the 60 day challenge!!  GO ME!! 

I don't feel as 'kicked to the curb' at the end of the workouts anymore. By the time I am done with the cool down stretch I feel good! The adrenaline is pumping, I am happy it's over and I made it through, but I don't have the 'I am going to die' feeling. So....the absence of that feeling makes me super nervous for month 2....HA! I still have that feeling during the workout but nothing like that high I get after I am done!! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 22 (Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs)

This workout kicked my butt. At times I feel I am getting the hang of it all and then I have a day where I am reminded how hard it is.
I am excited though because a lot of the stuff I struggled with is easier on me now. My balance is better, push-ups are actually happening!! And overall I feel AMAZING!

Cardio Abs I am still struggling with, the Csit position has me flustered. So I am still working on getting the hang of it.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 20 (Plyometric Cardio Circuit)

I killed this workout tonight! I think I pushed harder than I have in the last 3 weeks.
When I was done, my husband looked over and even commented on how I looked. My workout last night wasn't that great, so I pushed myself tonight. It felt good!!
I still had to stop and take a few breaths but my small rest periods were very small. I feel like they get smaller each time!! Go me!!!

On to week 4!!!!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 19 (Cardio Power and Resistance)

Even though I have done this workout before, tonight I was just tired!! All day today I was hungry, so I made sure to eat small snacks all day and drink plenty of water but still, by the time I got up to workout I was half asleep. I don't feel like I did this workout as well as previous times but I pushed through and did it as much as I could.
I am thinking it's that time of the month for me so my body is angry.
Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 18 (Cardio Recovery)

Who would think stretching could make you sweat? Although you do more than just stretching with the recovery video it's nice not to do cardio. But man, it does kick your butt. I am happy to see my body able to do the stretches and balance when 2 weeks ago I was falling over. Huge improvement tonight with my balance. I was getting excited and making myself loose my balance..oops!! HA!

Also, I want to say I haven't actual dropped any weight (yet). And I was like um...I am eating healthy, trying to stay away from processed foods, snack on healthy foods (fresh).
So I did some research and it looks like its normal the first month of Insanity. I have read repeatedly the weight starts coming off the 2nd month. Also, the 2nd month is pretty brutal...I am scared!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 17 (Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs)

At times I feel most of the stuff I do is getting easier and other times I am amazed I am able to do it at all.
I am having issues with the cardio abs. Those c-sits are brutal and make my back hurt. I watched a video last night where Shaun T explains why. You can see the video here.
So now I am excited to try the abs video again! It's hard to remember that I am not able to do certain things exactly how they see on the video and Shaun T is pretty good about letting know how that.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 16 (Plyometric Cardio Circuit)

Tonight's workout was better in some regards....worse in others.
I did it earlier in the day than I normally do, so the air temp was warmer. So I was sweating early on. But I didn't have to take as many stops/breaks as I normally do! I can feel my body getting stronger!!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 15 (Fit Test)

I was actually excited about the fit test. I know the first time I did it I was uncoordinated and it took me a while to get my body to work the way it was suppose.
So this time I knew the moves. I did more than on Day 1, which is a plus!!!
Pretty excited to see improvements!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 13 (Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs)

I was nervous for today! I have done the Pure Cardio workout two other times now and made it. But tonight I was nervous. I was tired from my busy day and just wasn't in the 'zone'....but I will say some of the stuff was *easier* and some of the other things I was like ....nope can't finish! HA!
I was relieved when the cool down began!
THEN I had to do the 'Cardio Abs' workout, which tonight was the first time. I was very nervous. My abs is one of the main problem areas on my body. Those stretches/workouts were rough!!! But I will admit, I am excited to see my results and how well I do when I do the 'Cardio Abs' workout again!!
Tomorrow is my rest day and I was going to go on a run but my body needs a break and the rest! I don't want to push myself too much!! Week 2 DONE!!!!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Insanity Work Out - Day 12 (Cardio Power and Resistance) 12 complete!! 
When I first did the fitness test the 'globe jumps' were so confusing and I had a hard time wrapping my head and body around what to do. The more  I did the better coordinated I got. I was able to do them with no issues tonight. Normally, I have to stop and make sure I am keeping good form; which is way more important during these workouts than anything else.
I am thrilled to see improvement in my over all willpower and body strength.
I hope I can keep it up!! 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 11 (Cardio Recovery)

Tonight's workout was just mostly stretches, but don't let that fool you. I was happy for the break from doing intense workouts but man...those stretches BURN. I am still trying to find my 'balance' during some positions. But certain ones are getting a lot easier.
My daughter is in gymnastics and one of the stretches she has to do is called a bridge. Well I was never able to do them...I could barely get my body up off the floor. Tonight she asked me if I could do one and I did it!! She was so proud of me. It was adorable!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 10 (Plyometric Cardio Circuit)

Another workout under my belt!!! I am beyond proud of myself for pushing through and getting these workouts done.
I know it's only been 10 days since I started the workout program and the results I am seeing are crazy. I have worked out before but this is the first time I actually FEEL good. My body feels strong and I seriously feel on top of the world because of these workouts!!!

Go me!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 9 (Pure Cardio)

Eeek! I did it!! I am proud of myself every time I push through and complete a workout.
I felt like this 2nd time around went better. I still had to take a break or two. But some of the workouts seemed easier! So happy!!!! I am still a little sore and certain muscles are tender but I figured that just means they are working!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Insanity Work Out - Day 8 (Cardio Power and Resistance)

Second week started!! I am excited to put it mildly! I am amazed and happy with myself that I have made it this far!!
I still had to take a couple of breaks during the workout, but I pushed through!
There is one thing I don't care for, the globe jumps/squats (I can't even recall their name). You do them during the fitness test and I hated them even then. Today was the first time I got through a whole interval with them!! Normally I have to stop for a few seconds to get my bearings.
During these workouts you are non stop moving and it's easy to lose form, balance and power. If your breathing gets off course or you step wrong, it can throw you all off course. I had that happen but I stopped took a deep breath and got right back in it!!

Insanity Workout - Day 7 (rest)

Whoop!! It's rest day!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Insanity Workout Day 6 - (Plyometric Cardio Circuit)

Done with my first week!! I was excited and nervous about this one! Mainly because I knew what to expect.
I did have a moments I had to stop and take a good breath, drink some water, etc. I am not upset or discouraged by this because I did start back up again!!

Overall, with week one under my wing I am happy and I can FEEL the results and how my body is changing!!!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 4 (Pure Cardio)

Day 4....I hate you.
I was nervous while I was putting in the DVD and it just got worse from there. I started strong and when the stretching came around, I was ONE HAPPY GIRL!!!!
Then the actual 'pure cardio' happened and I was hurting!! I did have to stop and take a break a time or two and drink. But I did finish it!!
It really says something when the instructor FALLS OVER at the end of the video and says something along the lines of it being 'bananas' it wasn't bananas...Bananas are yummy and delicious...that work out was NEITHER!!!
One more day and I get to have a day of rest!!

But I am not going to lie, the feeling I have about my body and the muscles that hurt and I can visibly SEE my body changing....It's AMAZING!!!!

Now, please excuse me while I go pass out!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 4 (Cardio Recovery)

I didn't know what to expect by the 'title'.What I hoped for was something easy but what I expected....Well, honestly I expected to get my butt handed to me.  So, I was pleasantly surprised when it was just stretches. It felt good to stretch out those muscles! I am pretty wobbly and have a hard time finding my balance.
I am pretty excited to see the changes my body will make in the coming weeks!!

This morning when I woke up, I did have some soreness and stiffness. Once I started moving around and walked down my stairs my body started loosening up!! Over all the pain hasn't become worse, it's just been a dull 'good pain'.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Insanity Work Out - Day 3 (Cardio Power and Resistance)

HA! I completed day 3...Full disclosure, I did have to stop, breath and shake it out a few times. Mostly because I felt like I was losing my form (which is BAD), but I did start back up again.
Today's workout did have more push-ups and arm workouts in it...I have weak arms so those were difficult, so I had to do them on my knees. I am looking forward to the day when I don't have to...ONE DAY!!!!!

When I woke up this morning, I had places that were hurting that have NEVER hurt on me before, but it was the good stuff...tomorrow morning we will see how it goes...I might just have the 6 year old push me down the stairs...
On another note, I reached back and actually was able to feel my butt's the little things people!!!!
I should also add, this has put me in a better mental state as well!! No one can complain about that!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Insanity Workout - Day 2 (Plyometric Cardio Circuit)

Whoop!!! Day 2 complete!!
I woke up this morning and my legs were sore...after the freaking fitness test?.....What have I gotten myself into??!
I was starting to get nervous before I even put the DVD in the player....
There were a few moments I lost my form and I realized I needed to slow myself down and make sure I had great form!! And a few times I had to stop and breath.

Overall I am HAPPY with the workout and very proud of myself for pushing through and doing it!!!
Eeek! Makes me excited for the days to come...even though I KNOW in the morning I am going to be hurting!!!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Insanity Work Out - Day 1 (Fitness Test)

A good friend is letting me use her 60 day Insanity workout DVDs. I expressed interest in wanting to lose weight without having to count EVERY little calorie. 
Let me say something first, I can count calories, it does work for me but I feel like the second I stop or the holidays roll around (I do make good food choices)...the weight piles back on. SO that leads me to believe I am not as 'healthy' as I should be by counting calories. I also use an elliptical machine to workout with.
Now, I have cut back on some foods (carbs mostly) and I do count calories every couple of days just to 
monitor my food intake and make sure I am not over doing it. I still wasn't losing weight as fast as I wanted, so my friend suggested the Insanity workout. She also said she refuses to do it because it's hard...great....Shoot me!!.
So she gives me the DVDs last week and today I decided to start.
The fitness test was intense!! Let me tell you....I am so not coordinated to do most of these things...I felt like I was going to fall over, crash into my TV and my dear husband was going to find me laying in sweat, glass and blood. I am still not sure I did the push-up jacks correctly. I can't do a push-up without being on my knees so I am not sure how well those are going to go....Time will tell. 

But I regress....I finished it. And 30 mins (maybe more) later my legs are STILL quivering!!
I am happy I have been back on the elliptical this past month. I easily do 3 miles in 30 mins on that bad boy!! Maybe not much to some, but that is huge for me!!! 

So I decided to use this blog to help in my journey of Insanity...This time the day in the life going to get shall I say Insane?? Ha!!