Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 1

This evening I decided to start writing a blog. This isn't my first online blog and I adored my first one. It's long gone now, but the memories still remain.
I have been putting off doing this for a while, but decided tonight to just do it. So while the TV is on, work in the background and the dishwasher running I sit and I type.
Today I made curtains for one of my living room windows. I have no sewing machine (it's on a wishlist) so instead of using thread I realized I had some hemming tape and so I got out the iron and made the curtains. I love how they turned out. Simple and they add a touch of color to the room. I still need to fix a few places, but for now they are hung.
So, here it is the middle of January and I have yet to get fully back to the diet. I am a diet failure. Complete failure. Oh long as my clothes don't start to get snug then I shall get back into the routine....SLOWLY!